Our Journey

I was raised in a house of beauty.  Born native of Indianapolis, IN; the second beauty of 3 of my Mother's gems.  Being on the frontline and behind the scenes of different projects and industries, I've noticed that women felt their best when THE FACE was ON. It was phenomenal seeing tools with bristles cover the blemishes, scars, embarrassment, turmoil, and insecurities effortlessly...as they enhanced natural beauty.  Although, they may not have been in their best state, they still performed flawlessly.

I created something for US, during a season of high and low peaks, comfortable seats and not so favorable. Moving from the U.S. to another country was
controversial on all fronts, all the while I still gave my BEST; just like my Mother
did raising 3 beauties with dimples.

This is for EVERY woman who has labored. In whatever that 'labor' may be, know
that you are BEAUTIFUL before you are 'ON'.

Thank you Mommy, for the labor that you went through that inspired me here. I
birth... Faces. Pouts. & Poses.